The nomad nature of Alessandro Pizzo in a solo-show at Galleria Vittoria in Rome
From 10 to 25 May 2023, the Galleria Vittoria in Rome will host a personal exhibition of the Paduan artist Alessandro Pizzo entitled “Nomade”, curated by Tiziano M. Todi. The show will explore the theme of travel through 25 works, selected among the ones belonging to the series “Strade” and “Strade con lamiera”: the first ones narrate the places visited by the artist, the second ones instead describe the means of transportation used for his movements. The exhibition represents an out-and-out travel diary, where the artist tells the stories of his life’s travels through the globe, making the observer part of the itinerary. The material used by Pizzo for these series is the varnish, a liquid material which represents the movement and the passing of time. These paintings are characterized by red spots and frames, respectively representing the people met by the artist through his journeys and the memory of concluded and past travels.

Alessandro Pizzo, Strade 45, 2012
Courtesy Alessandro Pizzo
“Nomade” is therefore an existential peregrination for the rediscovering of the self, which leads the artist to meet people again, places, ad feelings he has lived during his experiences and to share them with the spectator. Relevant in these itineraries are not much the destinations but the transportation used to reach those places, represented by the “Lamiere”, and retrace the nomad nature of Pizzo.

The artist Alessandro Pizzo
Courtesy Alessandro Pizzo
Born in Padova on 11 December 1972, since childhood the artist was used to visit museums and exhibitions in Italy and around the world. After high school and university years, he joined the family company until its transfer in 2008. This sets forth the beginning of his artistic career, which began in 2010 with the first solo show in Padova. In the last few years, lots of occasions have seen Pizzo protagonist of personal, bi-personal and collective exhibitions, with participation in numerous international expositions such as the Venice Biennale and the London Art Biennial.