Fondazione Prada “talks about the weather” with the new exhibition in Venice
Opened on 20 May at the branch of Fondazione Prada at Palazzo Ca’ Corner della Regina in Venice, the exhibition “Everybody Talks About the Weather” explores the meanings of meteorological weather in visual arts and the way in which these have changed our cultural identity.

Exhibition view of “Everybody Talks About the Weather”, Fondazione Prada, Venezia
Ph. Marco Cappelletti – Courtesy Fondazione Prada
The curatorial project by Dieter Roelstraete includes more than fifty works among those of contemporary artists and historicized works. The exhibition is not just an artistic and visual exercise: in fact, it is a curatorial path placing side-by-side graphs, technical in-depth analysis and artworks. These explanatory panels, developed in collaboration with the New Institute Centre For Environmental Humanities (NICHE) of Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, help the visitor to deepen as best the topics faces by the show in a rigorous and scientific way. Beyond these, are part of the exhibition itinerary some “research stations”, with the collection of more than five-hundred objects among books, publications, and articles about climate and weather.

One of the “research stations”
Ph Marco Cappelletti – Courtesy Fondazione Prada
As the President of Fondazione Prada, Miuccia Prada, explained, “the project arose from the idea of taking weather as a starting point to highlight the urgency of climate change using the tools of art and science together.”
Developed on two floors, the itinerary begins with a giant led-wall loops weather forecasts from a plurality of media worldwide. The show continues with the changing of historicized and contemporary works of art which, often in contrast with each other, reveal the constant attention that artists have given to “talking about weather”.

Introductory led-wall exhibited at the show “Everybody Talks About the Weather”, Fondazione Prada, Venezia Ph Marco Cappelletti – Courtesy Fondazione Prada
The approach to scientific topics through art is a way to encourage the approach of the public to more complex themes. This could be an effective and instant way to emphasize an issue still much ignored in the art world.
The exhibition will be open until 26 November 2023.